Commercial Water Treatment Applications in Southeast Wisconsin


Chardon Laboratories is your source for commercial and industrial water treatment in Janesville, Racine and Kenosha Counties. More than chemicals, we provide service and clean systems. We offer chemical treatments, remote monitoring and cleaning services for cooling towers, boilers and closed-loop systems in southeast Wisconsin.

We offer chemical water treatment services for a wide range of industries, from health care to automotive to food processing. Whatever you do and wherever you’re located in the southeastern Wisconsin area, we can set up a custom water treatment program tailored to your needs.

When you reach out to us for service, we’ll send uniformed service technicians in fully stocked trucks to ensure a job well done the first time. Our water treatment experts are certified by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). A comprehensive plan from Chardon Labs can help you find better performance and efficiency from your equipment while meeting high standards for water quality.

Our solutions include:

Serving Milwaukee & Beyond

  • Kenosha County
  • Kenosha
  • Milwaukee County
  • Milwaukee
  • Ozaukee County
  • Port Washington
  • Racine County
  • Racine
  • Sheboygan County
  • Sheboygan
  • Walworth County
  • Elkhorn
  • Washington County
  • West Bend
  • Waukesha County
  • Waukesha
  • Rock County
  • Janesville
  • Columbia County
  • Portage
  • Dane County
  • Madison
  • Dodge County
  • Juneau
  • Green County
  • Monroe
  • Grant County
  • Lancaster
  • Iowa County
  • Dodgeville
  • Jefferson County
  • Jefferson
  • Lafayette County
  • Darlington
  • Richland County
  • Richland Center
  • Sauk County
  • Baraboo

Cooling Tower Treatment Services in Milwaukee

Want to protect your cooling tower system and save on water usage? Chardon can implement a customized plan around protecting your tower from scale and corrosion, which allows your system to run at maximum efficiency.

In addition to helping you boost the performance of your cooling tower, we can introduce you to money-saving strategies. By utilizing benefits like evaporation credits, you can save big on water bills. Chardon can also provide dependable bacterial treatment for your tower. Whether it’s preventing bacterial growth like algae or biofilm, or if you need expert Legionella treatment, Chardon has the knowledge and the chemicals to get the job done in Milwaukee.

Our cooling tower treatment services for Milwaukee, Wisconsin, businesses cover everything from contamination defense to preventing scale and rust. They include:

  • Custom plans for addressing biological growth, scale and rust.
  • Testing and reporting on system statuses.
  • Heat exchanger services.
  • Regular maintenance at a predictable and guaranteed annual price.
  • Cooling tower passivation and treatment application from ISO-certified technicians.

While delivering clean cooling towers, we consider their configuration, as there are many different design options that can affect your tower’s susceptibility to contamination. Open towers, for instance, can allow airborne particles to accumulate, while evaporation leads to mineral concentration. We address these issues through a range of treatments, including corrosion and scale inhibitors and white rust preventives.

Our Cooling Tower Treatment Methods

When we develop your cooling tower treatment method, we use a wide range of equipment and chemicals. Chemicals might include corrosion inhibitors, biocides, anti-foaming chemicals and pre-treatments. They can help with preventing scale and corrosion, along with bio-fouling and microbiological growth.

In addition to chemicals, our equipment options can include:

  • Contact headwater meters to determine appropriate amounts of chemical feed, accurately track the system and avoid over- and underfeeding.
  • Conductivity controls to offer access to real-time data and automated feeds.
  • Chemical pumps with various automation levels for easy chemical additions.
  • Corrosion coupon racks for reduced corrosion risk and easy monitoring.
  • Flow switches that detect issues and offer efficient system monitoring.
  • Mini pulse timers for controlling the flow of chemical feed.
  • Bleed solenoids that ensure accurate system bleeding and straightforward adjustments for bleed functionality.
  • Biocide and chemical batch tanks for safe storage with durable materials for reducing spill risks.
  • Probes for Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP), pH and conductivity that work with your controller for quick, comprehensive analyses of real-time pH levels and water quality.

Boiler Treatment in Milwaukee

At Chardon, we know how important a boiler is to the operation of your business. Establishing a proper boiler treatment program to protect it becomes just as crucial. If left treated poorly or not treated at all, the boiler becomes prone to scale and/or corrosion, which drastically reduces the efficiency and life span of the boiler itself. Problems like oxygen pitting can also cause shutdowns and turn into costly issues.

Scale develops in response to factors like calcium, silicon and iron deposits, while corrosion occurs due to reactions between chemicals in the water or air and the metal of the boiler. They cause problems such as poor heat transfer efficiency, clogged pipes and worn-away internal components.

To address these different threats, we deliver boiler water treatment services to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, businesses with several different approaches:

  • A free survey to determine system status and needs.
  • Scale and corrosion prevention methods.
  • Regularly scheduled testing through your customized chemical treatment plan.
  • Boiler care during both peak use and the off-season.
  • Treatments administered by ISO-certified technicians.
  • Regular maintenance at a guaranteed annual price.

Chardon can help. We have experts in treating boilers in the Milwaukee area who can work with you to help keep your boiler running at peak efficiency and reduce the costs associated with problems like scale and corrosion. Avoid uneven heat distribution, wasted energy and damaged equipment through the right treatments.


Our Boiler Treatment Methods

When we work to combat boiler treatment problems, we use strategies such as:

  • Blowdown: In this process, we manage the concentration cycle of your boiler by draining the feedwater out of it. Next, we replace the removed feedwater with new feedwater with a lower concentration of dissolved solids, reducing the concentration of minerals in the water.
  • Equipment solutions: From coupon racks to contact headwater meters, we can implement equipment that provides accurate system monitoring, as well as controllers that automate feeds, read-outs and conductivity bleeds. Other types of equipment include boiler probes, chemical pumps and boiler blowdown solenoids.
  • Chemicals: Through chemical solutions, we can change the behavior of the water by removing certain elements from the water or absorbing high levels of dissolved oxygen that could cause problems. We can also use chemicals that disperse precipitated crystals, prevent scale, control pH, reduce foam and control oxygen.

Determining which treatment method to use involves thorough testing of your unique system and water environment by highly trained technicians.

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    Closed-Loop Treatment in Milwaukee

    Heating and cooling closed loops are prone to many issues if left untreated. Problems like corrosion, scale and microbial growth can all create costly shutdowns and inefficiencies within a closed-loop system. Even though the loop is not exposed to air, anaerobic bacteria can still cause many corrosion problems within the system.

    Another issue is leaking that could open up the system to contamination that damages the equipment. Other things like dissimilar metals can also be a costly problem. Establishing a chemical treatment program for closed loops is very important to the maintenance of the system and the operating efficiency of the loop.

    Our closed-loop water treatment services in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, include:

    • The prevention of corrosion, scale and microbiological growth.
    • A free survey to determine your current system’s status and needs.
    • Corrosion coupons.
    • Cleaning and flushing.
    • Regular testing and treatment within a customized chemical treatment plan.
    • Regular maintenance at a steady, consistent annual price.
    • Treatments that are administered by ISO-certified technicians for longer-lasting systems.

    If you work with plastic injection molding, you’ll want to pay special attention to your system’s health. It may require additional maintenance, such as replacing the water and flushing the attachment manifold. A thorough analysis is critical because these changing mold tools can cause these systems to lose a lot of volume, opening them up to more problems.

    Our Closed-Loop Treatment Methods

    Closed-loop systems have unique challenges when it comes to preventing contamination. We might address them by checking for leaks, taking care of filters and closely monitoring water quality. Testing is particularly valuable because it can reveal whether corrosion problems exist in the inner workings of the equipment through monitoring conductivity, pH balance and deterioration rates.

    Since corrosion is such a significant concern, we tackle it with a range of different techniques. These techniques include:

    • Adding chemicals that make the water less corrosive and aggressive, such as removing excess oxygen from the water, which slows the speed of corrosion. Another option is to add compounds that form protective films on the surfaces of the system and passivates them.
    • Adjusting the pH levels to be less corrosive, reducing the wear on piping and offering improvements for iron issues.
    • Implementing equipment like pH probes, filtration equipment, biocide feeders and shot-feeder systems that help ensure clean closed-loop systems.

    Legionella Testing Services

    If Legionella finds its way into your water systems, it could spread the serious illness of Legionnaire’s disease or the less-serious Pontiac fever, making testing a critical safety measure. This bacteria can come from a range of sources, like stagnant water, permanently capped pipework and redundant or off-line pumps, all examples of the warm, wet environments in which Legionella likes to grow.

    It can also be found in the biofilm and slime on the surfaces of lakes, rivers and streams, and in equipment like cooling towers, air washers and fountains.

    Many commercial buildings must abide by Standard 188, established by the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE). This standard specifies regular Legionella testing and response guidelines identified within a water management plan. The buildings that need to follow Standard 188 typically see a higher potential for growth or a particularly susceptible population, such as elderly people.

    Buildings identified under Standard 188 include those with:

    • A centralized hot water heater.
    • Inpatient health care.
    • A whirlpool or spa.
    • Occupants over the age of 65.
    • More than 10 stories.
    • One or more water features.
    • Free chlorine over 0.5 parts per million.

    If your building fits one or more of these criteria, we can help. Our Legionella testing services for Milwaukee, Wisconsin, businesses provide regular testing for this dangerous bacteria from leading facilities. We also provide preventive measures and expert assistance from highly trained technicians.

    Our Legionella Testing Methods

    When we test for Legionella in Milwaukee, we take into account all of the challenges associated with its behavior — the bacteria is typically consumed by an amoeba and multiplies from within it. Then it explodes into the water supply. In the right environment, it can move from low levels to dangerously undetectable ones very quickly.

    This pattern means it must be managed appropriately by experts who know how Legionella works and can identify ideal points and times for testing within your system. Chardon technicians are well-versed in the different species and serogroups of Legionella. They can deliver a custom plan that adapts to your business operations. They’ll keep up with the changes and ensure your Legionella testing plan remains effective.

    Biocides and chemicals are often adequate to manage Legionella growth, but not always. Sometimes, we may need to implement equipment solutions along with regular inspections, cleanings and flushes. In addition to these measures, we can also help with other aspects of Legionella risks, including:

    • Education
    • Water management plan development
    • Implementation assistance
    • Risk assessment
    • Consultations
    • Cooling tower cleaning

    Specialty Chemicals for Water Treatment in Milwaukee

    Some of the water chemicals we use in and around Milwaukee are key to the prevention of scale formation. Other chemicals remove boiler scale and mitigate factors that have the potential to slow down or damage the system as a whole.

    Our specialty chemicals for water treatment are effective in four critical areas:

    • Scale prevention: High levels of calcium carbonate in boiler water can lead to scale buildup. We use phosphonate chemicals to inhibit the production of calcium carbonate crystals and prevent growth.
    • pH control: A pH neutralizer uses sodium hydroxide to keep the water’s acidity at an appropriate level. Excessive acidity can corrode the metal of the boiler and contribute to scale production.
    • Oxygen control: An excess of dissolved oxygen in water can lead to corrosion and scale buildup. We use chemicals that break down the gas to control oxygen levels and prevent boiler damage for a longer life span.
    • Foam reduction: Combined with steam, dissolved solids that rise to the top of boilers can form a layer of foam. Anti-foaming chemicals work to adjust the water’s surface tension to reduce foam for improved efficiency.

    Our service doesn’t end when we leave your facility. We offer chemical water treatment with remote monitoring to ensure your system retains the ideal levels of chemicals between treatments.

    Water Tank Cleaning Services in Southeast Wisconsin

    More than an HVAC water contractor, we are a provider of clean systems. We offer tank cleaning services throughout Janesville, Racine and Kenosha Counties in addition to water treatment.

    Many water tanks and industrial cooling towers in southeast Wisconsin have some sediment resting at the bottom. Lime and other substances can build up, bacteria and mold can grow, and sludge can accumulate in the bottom of the tank. Over time, buildup can degrade the tank and lead to deeper concerns and a shorter life span.

    At Chardon Labs, we work to mitigate these issues through our industrial water tank cleaning services. We can remove material and residue from the walls and floor of the tank to extend the life span of your system as whole. During cleaning, we also remove algae and biofilm from submerged surfaces and the top of the tank.

    Water Quality in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

    We develop our systems based on the water quality within Milwaukee and the surrounding areas. A general overview of the water characteristics is as follows:

    City Hardness Alkalinity
    Kenosha 90 100
    Madison 120 210
    Milwaukee 90 100
    Racine 90 100


    Call Chardon on (380) 224-7395 for your Water Treatment Solutions today!