Industrial Water Treatment Solutions in Toledo, OH

Industrial water treatment is essential because it helps systems last longer and manages bacteria to prevent potential health complications. Process water systems are susceptible to bacteria growth, mineral deposits, scaling and corrosion, but proper testing and solutions help combat these complications.

Experienced specialists provide chemical water treatment to balance pH levels, protect metal surfaces, eliminate excess foam, inhibit corrosion and limit bacterial growth.

Local Water Quality in Toledo

Industrial processes in Toledo, Ohio depend on Lake Erie because it's the water source for the Western Lake Erie Basin. Lake Eries is highly susceptible to algae blooms and suspended minerals, which can cause corrosion in metal equipment. Effective treatment solutions are crucial due to high concentrations of suspended minerals and algae blooms in the local water source.

Scaling occurs when materials such as chemicals, organic contaminants, inorganic contaminants or minerals accumulate and settle on equipment surfaces.

Importance of Water Treatment

Various industries such as health care, manufacturing, food processing and HVAC companies depend on water treatment to maintain safe operation, meet regulations and protect their systems. Industrial water treatment is essential because it offers the following benefits:

Equipment Longevity

Various contaminants such as minerals, chemicals and algae can gradually corrode your equipment. If left untreated, corrosion gradually causes damage that may eventually require equipment replacement. Effective chemical water treatment helps reduce and prevent corrosion so your systems last longer.


Cooling towers, boilers and closed loop systems operate with greater efficiency when you control scaling and prevent corrosion. Scaling coats your equipment's surfaces, reducing its ability to transfer heat. Reducing scaling allows your equipment to cool or heat water effectively using less energy, which helps you save money on electricity. Preventing corrosion contributes to efficiency because it prevents your equipment from leaking water during operation.


Since well-maintained water systems increase efficiency, they also boost productivity. When your process water systems are in good condition, you can decrease machine downtime and maintain operations. Complications such as scaling and corrosion could potentially delay operations, but proper treatment allows you to stay on schedule.

Reduced Repair Costs

You can also significantly reduce repair costs when you implement an effective water treatment plan. Reducing scaling and corrosion prevents leaks, allowing your systems to run smoothly without high maintenance costs and component replacements.

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Industrial Water Treatment Solutions in Toledo, Ohio

The following industrial water treatment solutions are available in Toledo, Ohio:


    Chardon Labs is a NSF Certified Water Treatment

    closed loop water treatment includes non-oxidizing biocides corrosion inhibitors antifoaming chemicals and pretreatment chemicals

    Closed Loop Water Treatment

    Closed loop water systems are prone to leaks, which can lead to corrosion and bacteria growth that contaminates your process water. Chemical closed loop water treatment prevents leakage, complications and system failure. Water treatment specialists test the water in closed loop systems to determine the best treatment plan for your specific applications and existing contaminants. Based on the results, they will implement some or all of the following solutions:

    • Non-oxidizing biocides: Antibacterial chemicals known as non-oxidizing biocides help limit bacterial and biological growth, and they can manage toxicity and pH levels.
    • Corrosion inhibitors: Corrosion inhibitors help protect metal in closed loop systems by preventing scale and rust.
    • Antifoaming chemicals: Antifoaming chemicals spread quickly across foamy surfaces, rupturing bubbles to eliminate excess foam and hinder further foam development. An antifoaming agent can be organic-, silicone- or hydrocarbon-based.
    • Pretreatment chemicals: Pretreatment chemicals help prepare your closed loop system's surfaces for corrosion inhibitors. A precleaning process removes foreign matter, and a prefilming process helps inhibit film formation.

    Cooling Tower Water Treatment

    Finding cooling tower treatment near you is essential because it addresses bacterial growth and prevents corrosion. During cooling tower water treatment, a specialist tests your water to identify the specific biological contamination affecting your water. With this information, they determine the ideal chemical solutions to prevent scaling. The specialist then continues collecting and analyzing water samples to ensure the treatment plan is effective and make adjustments if necessary.

    Cooling tower water treatment also implements epoxy coating, chemical inhibitors and pH-balancing approaches to address corrosion. An epoxy coating serves as a protective barrier to protect your cooling tower's surfaces from the water. In addition to an epoxy coating, corrosion inhibitors help prevent chemical reactions, and a multi-step approach helps neutralize pH levels.

    Toledo Boiler Treatment

    In boilers, scale deposits can cause warping and uneven heat distribution. Additionally, corrosion can lead to oxygen pitting, condensate line leakage and steam trap failure. Chemical treatment addresses these complications to help your boiler last longer and pass inspections.

    Toledo boiler treatment consists of an initial test to determine your boiler's specific needs and create a custom chemical treatment plan to prevent scale and corrosion. Following the initial test and chemical treatment, specialists perform regularly scheduled testing and treatment based on a tailored plan.

    Water Testing and Management

    Legionella is a serious health risk that naturally inhabits water sources. With the right water testing and treatment plan, you can control Legionella bacteria growth to help prevent serious complications and disease.

    Water systems such as cooling towers, boilers and closed loop systems are susceptible to Legionella growth and outbreaks because they provide wet, warm environments in which the bacteria can thrive. The bacteria typically multiplies inside an amoeba, explodes and causes an outbreak, so Legionella management services involve ongoing testing and response measures.

    With recurring testing, you can detect high levels of Legionella before it causes severe health complications such as Legionnaire’s disease. A proper Water Management Plan enables your company or organization to meet ASHRAE Standard 188's guidelines.

    Customized Solutions for Different Industries in Toledo

    Each process water system is unique based on its application and water source. Industrial water treatment solutions in Toledo, Ohio, provide tailored testing and treatment to detect, prevent and control complications such as scaling, corrosion and harmful bacteria. Chardon Labs thoroughly tests your water to customize a Water Management Plan that meets your specific needs and application.

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