Closed Loop Water Treatment Services


Typical heating or cooling systems include three types of loops: a chilled water loop, a refrigerant gas loop and a cooling tower water loop. These types of closed loop systems are susceptible to leaks that can lead to contamination-forming corrosion and bacteria in the cooling water that may ultimately cause a total system failure.

Chardon Laboratories can provide effective chemical treatment for closed loop systems that can prevent leakage and other troublesome issues from occurring. Our ISO-certified technicians can perform a wide range of services that will keep your closed loop water cooling system operating at peak efficiency, while also minimizing the risk of extensive damage.

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Why Do I Need Closed Loop Treatment for My Water System?

Though closed loop systems exhibit excellent efficiency, adaptability and contaminant prevention, they require proper maintenance to prevent damage resulting from corrosion, low pH, microbial growth, particulate matter deposits and dissolved gases like carbon dioxide and oxygen. These unwanted substances can enter closed circuit systems in numerous ways.

Usually, closed loop water systems feature demineralized water in their cooling water makeup. In these cases, proper treatment is crucial to prevent corrosion and freezing.

The piping in closed systems is typically carbon steel, while chiller assemblies and other heat exchange surfaces may be copper or aluminum. Your heat exchanger may also feature stainless steel plates. With so many metal alloys present in your water system, it’s vital that you procure the necessary maintenance to prevent corrosion-related pipe damage. The most common type of corrosion for closed loop water systems is oxygen pitting, which can lead to rusty water and abrasion.

Oxygen pitting begins with a deposit that expands across a portion of the metal surface, creating a contrast between the oxygen content beneath the deposit and the oxygen in the water. The surface underneath the deposit becomes deprived of oxygen, resulting in an anode, while the space around it becomes a cathode. This combination of electrodes increases pitting, concentrating it in one area and producing pinhole leaks within the pipes.

Bacteria can also multiply within closed water systems, creating a living deposit with acidic byproducts. As bacterial respiration takes in oxygen, it increases the risk of corrosion to the base metal.


Types of Closed Loop Systems That Require Treatment

There are four types of closed systems, each with different qualities and characteristics that carry the risk of oxygen pitting and corrosion. If you have any of the following water systems in your facility, you should consider investing in closed loop treatment to protect your water and piping.


Hot water closed loop systems often feature powerful boilers coupled with aluminum heat exchanges to warm the water. Aluminum cannot withstand the high pH levels that standard closed loop water treatment products contain, requiring the use of compatible corrosion inhibitors to protect the heat exchangers and other metal components from corrosion.

If your hot water system endures a leak, it’ll take in freshwater containing oxygen, increasing the likelihood of pitting.

Chilled water closed loop systems contain numerous metals, such as steel, copper and copper alloys. When copper corrodes, the copper ions in the water interact with the steel, resulting in galvanic corrosion. That’s why it’s vital that these systems receive closed loop treatment to ensure that all metals within the system have protection.

Most often found in heating pump applications, tempered water systems are highly similar in composition to both hot and chilled water systems when in heating or cooling mode. Because they’re comparable to other closed loops systems, tempered water networks pose the same risks and, therefore, have the same treatment requirements.

Like tempered water configurations, process water closed circuits have many similar characteristics to chilled and hot water systems. However, some systems have much smaller cooling water channels than others, meaning filtration is crucial to their performance. For example, point-of-use filters are beneficial for maintaining adequate suspended solid levels within the cooling water.


Our Closed Loop System Treatment Services Include:

  • A free survey to determine the current system status and needs
  • Prevention of corrosion, scale and other microbiological growth
  • Cleaning and Flushing
  • Corrosion coupons
  • Regularly scheduled testing a treatment through a customized chemical treatment plan
  • Continued maintenance at a steady and consistent annual price
  • All treatments administered by ISO-certified technicians to ensure system longevity

This includes minor preventive maintenance steps such as changing filters, pH and conductivity testing as well as complete cleaning and flushing, replacement equipment and much more.

Other Methods for Preventing Corrosion in Closed Loop Water Systems

Chardon Labs implements a number of effective techniques for preventing corrosion. We work with the dissolved solids within the system, to render the water less aggressive, and thus, less corrosive. We accomplish this by utilizing the various proprietary chemicals to treat the water.

We also eliminate corrosion by maintaining the optimal pH level in the loop water within the noncorrosive range. This can be achieved by adjusting the pH with various chemicals. Controlling the pH will also help with problems associated with iron.

In closed looped systems that have no exposure to air, the best way to minimize the risk of corrosion is removing oxygen from the water. This will slow the spread of corrosion on metal surfaces. The implementation of the proper water treatment chemicals removes oxygen, thereby reducing the risk of corrosion.

Another method we employ for preventing corrosion is the use of compounds that form protective films on closed loop system surfaces. These chemicals will protect and passivate metallic surfaces.

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Our Corrosion Inhibitors and Chemicals for Closed Loop Water Treatment

Properly treating your industrial or commercial system depends on the use of the appropriate chemicals. The right solutions are vital for preventing corrosion, scale, pitting and microbial growth. At Chardon Labs, we have a comprehensive assortment of chemical treatments for our closed loop water services. When you partner with us, we’ll assess your water treatment needs and choose a chemical that best serves your specific applications, ensuring that you experience maximum system performance and efficiency.


Corrosion inhibitors protect metals and alloys that come into contact with fluids, making them ideal for closed water systems. These chemicals are used to manage two of the most common issues — rust and scale.

Some of the most effective corrosion inhibitors for closed loop systems include molybdate, nitrite and chromate.

Non-oxidizing biocides are antibacterial chemicals that are primarily used to limit biological and bacterial growth. These substances are also helpful in managing water quality issues, pH levels and toxicity.

Though we carry oxidizing biocides in our chemicals inventory, non-oxidizing treatments tend to be more effective for closed loop systems. Examples of non-oxidizing biocides that are most beneficial for closed loops include isothiazolinone, bronopol and 2,2-dibromo-3-nitrilopropionamide, also known as DBNPA.

It’s essential to pretreat your industrial water system to maximize equipment lifespan and prepare surfaces for corrosion inhibitors. Usually, the pretreatment process for cooling water systems includes two separate phases, including precleaning for foreign matter removal and prefilming to promote inhibiting film formation.

Azoles are standard solutions for pretreating water systems containing copper alloy components and are usually applied to individual exchangers rather than the entire system.

Antifoaming chemicals do exactly what their name implies — eliminate excess foam from closed loops. Foam can harm closed systems by damaging equipment and creating safety hazards. Antifoaming agents minimize the effects of foam by spreading rapidly across foamy surfaces to rupture bubbles and prevent further foam generation. These chemicals can be hydrocarbon-, silicone- or organic-based.

What Our Clients Have to Say

“Great company to work with. Very responsive to customer concerns.”

Aluminum Die

Grand Rapids, MI

“I have been extremely happy with the service provided by Chardon Laboratories. Domonic has been very helpful with all aspects of our systems, especially concerning Cooling Towers. My hope is that we can continue to keep working together for a…

Retirement Community

Managing Director

“The technician that comes out has been great at alerting me of things to watch for as well as answer my questions. I love it that you email me my report.”


Columbus, Ohio

Benefits of Using Closed System Treatment Services to Prevent Corrosion

Even if it doesn’t look like your commercial or industrial water treatment systems are damaged or contaminated, there may be unaddressed issues taking place within your pipes. That’s why it’s crucial to invest in the proper treatment for your closed circuit system.

When you schedule closed loop water treatment services with Chardon Laboratories, our team of International Organization for Standardization (ISO-) certified service technicians will administer the chemicals necessary for keeping your system clean and free of harmful contaminants. When you book services with us, you’ll enjoy all the following benefits:

  • Protecting components: With water treatment services for your closed loop system, you can ensure that all your most crucial parts are safeguarded against corrosion. Professional chemical treatment helps to combat deterioration while reversing system damages from neglecting previous treatment needs.
  • Improving system performance: When your pipes and components are clean and free of rust and pitting, you’ll experience fewer issues and enjoy the effects of a well-maintained closed loop system.
  • Preventing downtime: With greater system performance comes fewer failures and malfunctions, ultimately reducing downtime for your organization.
  • Preserving energy: If you have a closed loop system and your company observes higher energy bills, it’s likely that your structure has endured water leaks or exhibits poor water quality. When you invest in treatment services, you’ll minimize the risk of leakage and improve your water quality, ultimately helping you improve energy conservation.
  • Saving money: When your closed loop system functions as it should without interference from corrosion, scale or microbial growth, you can save hundreds to thousands of dollars in repair and replacement costs for your heating and cooling equipment.
  • Restoring heating and cooling: Closed systems that don’t receive the proper treatment can result in building zones that lack heating and cooling. When you hire industry professionals to deliver expert services, you can restore heating and cooling throughout your facility.
  • Increasing return on investment (ROI): Water systems that operate at optimal efficiency generate higher ROI for your business.
  • Meeting water quality standards: Booking closed loop treatment services from certified experts means ensuring that your facility’s water supply is clean, usable and in adherence with regulatory standards.
  • Prolonging service life: Scheduling regular water treatment for your system means increasing its overall service life, ensuring that it operates efficiently for years to come while preventing premature component replacements. That’s because professional water treatment services reduce debris and pollutant levels in the system, lengthening the amount of time necessary before parts need to be replaced.

Industries We Serve

Companies use closed systems in numerous practices, such as process cooling, emergency use and bearing cooling, as well as oil, lube and air compressor chilling. Closed cooling is suitable for these applications and more due to their easily controllable chemistry.

Regardless of the application, any commercial or industrial organization with a closed circuit water system can benefit from professional treatment services. Neglect of water treatment and monitoring can result in fouling and corrosion, which may have a negative impact on equipment and water quality.

Some of the many industries that invest in treatment and maintenance for their closed loop constructions include:

  • Manufacturing companies: Water treatment services are crucial for preventing unexpected machine breakdowns and missed production deadlines, keeping manufacturing facilities running smoothly.
  • Hospitals and health care facilities: Properly treated water systems in the health care industry ensure that no bacterial growth or corrosion leads to reduced functionality or system failure, helping facilities maintain peak efficiency and dedicate their focus and energy to their patients.
  • Food and beverage processing: System efficiency is essential to the food production industry, which is why we offer water treatment services to improve production and prevent losses.
  • Plastic processing: Without proper closed loop treatment in the plastics industry, anaerobic bacteria may develop within the water system and cause microbial-influenced corrosion, reducing system functionality, impacting product quality and creating downtime.
  • Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC): We use our cleaning and flushing systems to remove iron deposits and decontaminate HVAC systems.
  • Breweries: Water treatment for breweries leads to better performance, lower energy consumption and minimal scale and corrosion buildup.
  • Automotive: Clean, treated water systems for the automotive industry help improve manufacturing processes, keep costs down and improve environmental sustainability.

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Why Choose Chardon Laboratories for Closed Loop Water Treatment?

At Chardon Laboratories, we’ve delivered top-of-the-line water treatment testing services and products to our customers with a service-oriented approach since our establishment in 1966. Today, we’re living out that same commitment to providing superior customer service over 55 years later. When you do business with us, we’ll work with you directly to devise a water treatment plan customized to your individualized needs.

Other perks you can expect to receive when booking services through Chardon include:

  • ISO-certified technicians: All our highly trained technicians are ISO-certified, so you can trust that we adhere to the highest possible quality, safety and efficiency standards with every service we perform. When you schedule services with us, we’ll send our uniformed technicians to your facility in fully stocked trucks to complete the ISO-compliant services you need.
  • Guaranteed results: At Chardon, we promise our customers they’ll receive scale-free systems at a guaranteed price, so you always know what to expect.
  • Advanced technologies: We provide our customers with electronic reporting technologies on the day of service that they can use to access our electronic archives for optimal convenience. We also have remote monitoring capabilities for further technological proficiency.
  • Cost savings: Unlike companies that boost prices when customers require more chemicals for their applications, we don’t sell chemicals — we sell service. Our team makes a conscious effort to save our customers money, keeping water and energy costs at a minimum while hand-delivering all necessary chemicals to reduce freight and drum disposal expenses.
  • Versatile service offerings: We offer a wide variety of testing and treatment services, including everything from boiler and cooling tower testing to Legionella control and planned maintenance.
  • Extensive equipment capabilities: In addition to our many services, we also have a vast inventory of water treatment equipment in our arsenal, ensuring that we have the tools and resources necessary to provide the most suitable fix for each customer. Some of our many solutions include chemical pumps, bleed solenoids, filter feeders and centrifugal separators.
  • Vast experience: Our team has extensive experience delivering water treatment services to companies from diverse industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, HVAC, food processing and more, meaning you can trust that we have the expertise needed to serve you.

We don’t sell chemicals, we sell clean systems.

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Loop Treatment Professionals

Your closed loop system is just as susceptible to malfunction as any open system. Undiagnosed leaks permit air to enter the system, allowing for corrosion and bacteria to begin contaminating the cooling water.


How Chardon Helps

Filters must be changed regularly, and pH and conductivity must be tested to prevent corrosion and deterioration of components to allow for adequate heat transfer efficiency. Your closed loop may be corroding from the inside out and you might not even know it. A proper flush and regular testing of the loop water is required to ensure the longevity of the entire system.

Contact Us today to request a free evaluation of your closed loop system and find out the potential savings you could missing out on.

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But My Plastic Injection Mold Loops System Has A Closed Loop – Why Does It Lose Water?

ASHRAE defines a “closed loop” as a system that loses less than 10% of its volume annually. Most plastic injection mold loops lose significantly more than 10% of their volume when mold tools are changed.

Figure out how much water your mold tools hold, then multiply that volume by the number of mold changes you make each year.

Add in cleaning and flushing of the water attachment manifold (you do flush the water manifold before connecting the new, clean mold, right?) and any other cleaning and maintenance practices that include water replacement.

Multiply that number by ten and compare it to your system volume.

Water Treatment Equipment For Closed Loop

Closed loop systems, while theoretically should not require much attention or equipment, are still prone to corrosion and leaks caused by a multitude of factors. Depending on the metal composition of the loops in your system, the pH of the water, as well as the dissolved solids, could have a corrosive effect on the piping.

Using equipment such as a pH probe or different kinds of filtration (bag filters, centrifugal separators) could help prevent these corrosive problems in closed loops. Other equipment could include any biocide feeder or shot feeder system to prevent damage from microbiological growth and fouling in the loops.

Contact us today to receive a quote on any of the closed loop equipment we carry!

Learn more about Filter Feeders.

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Contact Our Closed Loop Water Treatment Company to Learn More

If you need to prevent corrosion, oxygen pitting and other hazards from infiltrating your water system, consider investing in closed loop treatment services from Chardon Laboratories. We pride ourselves on providing our customers with the chemicals and services they need to deliver the best possible results at the lowest possible prices. With over five decades of experience providing customers of all industries with reliable water treatment products and services, we’re the company you can trust.

Contact Chardon Laboratories to learn more about chemical treatment for closed loop systems and our other effective treatment solutions today.

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